Friday, July 31, 2009

No Complaining! Exercise Gratitude

Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.

Philippians 2:14-15

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don’t try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete.”

James 1: 2-4

Thursday, July 23, 2009

"The Day I Became One with God"

"For Where Your Treasure Is, There Will Your Heart Be Also."

Matthew 21:6

Like all journeys in our lives, there are some which are mundane and some which are very profound. While I believe that each experience whether mundane, profound, big or small does help to shape us, there are some which change our lives, our beliefs and perception altogether. I will share with you one such experience which is the pinnacle of my spiritual journey and a very mystical one. God granted me this grace.

One very clear and beautiful summer Sunday morning in June of 2008, I was doing my usual 'stuff,' which entailed having my 'must have' morning cup of coffee, listening to the radio and enjoying the very special Sunday morning music on the airwaves. In addition to planning my Jamaican Sunday dinner menu of rice and peas with coconut milk, roast pork, tossed salad and a sweet potato salad. I love to cook, so I was looking forward to that. When I happened to hear one of many of my favorite songs playing, and of course much to my sons chagrin, I started singing my heart out. I am not much of a singer, so this comes with a warning, get your earplugs!! I was in my bedroom at the time, so my po
or neighbors. Being in a two level townhouse, I felt a little higher up!! Everyone will have to put up with me this morning, I thought!

I was at a crossroad in my life at the time, but I trusted God to help me get through it. Though honestly, sometimes I felt my faith was not strong enough, but I tried to remain constant in believing He would work this out for me. I read His Word every day.

God had other plans for my singing that morning. I really, really loved this song. It was a love song from back in the '80's, and being in love the song was very meaningful to me. You know how we 'girls' are. So feeling really great that morning made me sing with all my heart, but suddenly and I really mean suddenly! I felt 'strange,' now to be honest I felt so different, a completely different feeling came over me. It was a very powerful feeling. At first I was a little fearful! Until I realized this was of God! When God touches you, you KNOW....and how you know is; you get this feeling of pure joy, you feel a power so mighty. For example; this is perhaps the best way I can describe it... think of when you are deeply m
oved by something happening in your life, an event or a special moment, it is like that feeling.... multiplied by a hundred!! But then, I not only felt Him, He placed in my heart His promise and His will for the challenge I was facing. What a Great, Awesome God! God answered my prayer! He heard my cries!

I was moved to tears, I just started crying and fell on my knees before God, with praise and thankfulness, right there in my bedroom. His love filled me, I have never, ever felt or known any love like that. God was in tot
al control, I felt so very filled with love!!!! God's Powerful, Awesome, Glorious Love!!! I thanked Him, and thanked Him. I had turned off the radio and started to pray, I was directed to read Psalm 68, and so I reached for my Bible and went back on my knees. I was not sure what God wanted me to do, but I could feel that this was something great. As I approached verse 30, I could feel the Holy Spirit more, I started crying more, and then verse 31-35 read:

Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God. Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth; O sing praises unto the Lord; Selah: To him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens, which were of old; lo, he doth send out His Voice , and that a mighty Voice. Ascribe ye strength unto God: His excellency is over Israel, and His strength is in the CLOUDS
. At that said moment I was overcome with His might, God was really speaking to me, He was directing me! Then I remembered and said unto Him, 'Yes Lord, from as far back as I can remember during my childhood, I always had dreams of You speaking with me from the clouds. I continued reading,

O God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto His people. Blessed be God.

I never saw Him in those dreams. I only heard His voice. I may have been nine or ten years old at the time.

I sat on my bed for a few moments trying to understand the Lord's message, He wasn't finished with me yet as I then felt this powerful urge to look outside, not knowing what I was looking for...(am I going crazy, I thought) but no, I quickly pushed that thought away. 'Forgive me Lord,
' I asked, 'You are showing me something, what could it be?' I looked through my bedroom window, the sky was a beautiful, beautiful blue and very clear, with just a few wisps of cloud in sight! Then I walked out of my bedroom, through the hallway and down the stairs, and looked through my front windows and BEHOLD, THERE WAS WHAT THE LORD WAS LEADING ME TO!!! In the sky, before me was a thick, white, fluffy cloud; the best description being a stratocumulus cloud in the shape of GOD!! As I looked at the Cloud I knew this was of God. There was His Head which was turned to the side, His arms outstretched. This pure, lily white Cloud, so bright. I looked on in Awe, and for a few seconds in disbelief. I thought my eyes were fooling me; then I heard God's voice. He said, 'It is Me, my dear Natalie, I have shown Myself to you because you are pure in heart,' I said, 'Me Lord!' He answered, 'Yes my child, you are pure in heart. You have been very faithful, steadfast in faith, in all your adversities you have never let go of me, you held on even more to me. You love those who have wronged you, still kind to them, you are always full of love and so forgiving. All will be yours. Remember, they will look in your eyes and see Me, they will not be sure what it is at first, but soon after they will know. You will speak and they will hear Me, you will touch them and they will feel Me, they will see the love which surrounds you and obey Me.'

'They will feel my love through you. I have chosen you Natalie to touch their souls, I will lead you and guide you. So fear not, my child.' I stood there awhile, not moving, just listening to His voice and looking on at that Cloud. Suddenly I realized I wanted my sons to witness this profound moment, so I called out to them to come quickly, and as they came to look; we saw the Head dissipate before our eyes with the body-arms remaining and dissipating last.

Then God explained, 'He cannot show Himself to everyone, this was only for you to see.'
I understood.

I shared with my sons, what h
ad occurred, they were in Awe, they shook their head saying, 'Mom, you are truly blessed.' I could see they were deeply moved, they left me to go and pray. I sat in meditation for awhile reflecting on God's revelation to me. I was not the same, I had Become One with God, He had touched my soul and my heart. He was now working through me; To Him be all the Glory! I experienced great humility, I was so humbled by this. I reflected on what he had placed in my heart, I reflected on what he had told me about being surrounded by love. Then I remembered, a few years ago, my brother-in-law's sister had a similar experience. She wrote a book based on that experience, as she practised channeling. I was greatly appreciative of receiving a copy of her book which titled ''It Has Always Been Thus."

This too was an enlightening moment for me, as I walked toward her to receive my autographed copy. She looked at me in a strange way, I thought perhaps I was disturbing her. So I said, 'I am so sorry, I will come back later,' and she answered, 'No, you are not disturbing me at all,' and continued looking at me in a dreamlike way. She then autographed the book a
nd handed it to me and smiled. I chose to read what she had written, and then I understood why she looked at me the way she did. In it read, 'Continue walking in the light of love,' she answered before I could say anything, 'You are surrounded by a bright light of love, Natalie.' I was speechless.

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: Because greater is He that is In you, than He that is in the world. 1 John 4:4

It is with heartfelt love that I have written this for you, my friends. I hope that I have inspired you today. May God fill your lives with His Grace and His Love. May He touch your soul, God can touch us
at anytime, be open to receive Him.

With God's Love, specially for you from my Heart,

You need to keep on patiently doing God’s will if you want Him to do for you all that He has promised.Hebrews 10:36

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


|| Love ||

Love is a funny thing to describe. It's so easy to feel and yet so slippery to talk about. It's like a bar of soap in the bathtub — you have it in your hand until you hold on too tight.

Some people spend their lives looking for love outside themselves. They think they have to grasp it in order to have it. But loves slips away like that wet bar of soap.

Holding on to love is not wrong, but you need to learn to hold it lightly, caressingly. Let it fly when it wants. When it's allowed to be free, love is what makes life alive, joyful, and new. It's the juice and energy that motivates my music, my dancing, everything. As long as love is in my heart, it's everywhere.

This poem was written by Michael Jackson

My Tribute To Michael Jackson

|| God ||

It's strange that God doesn't mind expressing Himself/Herself in all the religions of the world, while people still cling to the notion that their way is the only right way. Whatever you try to say about God, someone will take offense, even if you say everyone's love of God is right for them.
For me the form God takes is not the most important thing. What's most important is the essence. My songs and dances are outlines for Him to come in and fill. I hold out the form. She puts in the sweetness.

I've looked up at the night sky and beheld the stars so intimately close, it was as if my grandmother had made them for me. "How rich, how sumptuous," I thought. In that moment I saw God in His creation. I could as easily have seen Her in the beauty of a rainbow, the grace of a deer bounding through a meadow, the truth of a father's kiss. But for me the sweetest contact with God has no form. I close my eyes, look within, and enter a deep soft silence. The infinity of God's creation embraces me. We are one.

This poem was written by Michael Jackson

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hello to All My Friends,

I have not posted anything for quite awhile, as I have been very busy with a project I'm currently working on. One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.

I'm back with you now, happily so :-), I will definitely have quite an interesting post for you later on today!


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Relationships are like Rome -- difficult to start out, incredible during the prosperity of the 'golden age', and unbearable during the fall. Then, a new kingdom will come along and the whole process will repeat itself until you come across a kingdom like Egypt... that thrives, and continues to flourish. This kingdom will become your best friend, your soul mate, and your love.

Helen Keller