Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We Are the World-Let Us Give Our Love Today!!!!!

Giving love is such wonderful joy..think about it..Jesus loves us...He gave Himself for us.. He died on the cross for us. Love transcends and overcomes every circumstance.

The following video depicts how powerful love is and can be, how powerful the gift of music is...the gift of voice comes from God. Music is a powerful tool. It operates on a subconscious level. Music can awaken our souls, calm our spirits and minds, make us feel sad or happy. Do you find sometimes that the lyrics of a song seem to speak for you or to you? 

Giving love does not cost a cent, yet it can be the most difficult to give..let us do our little part for Jesus, for our world. Tell someone dear to you that you love them today..go, be brave..they may not warm to it at first.. , they may wonder what you are up to, they may or may not believe you; BUT TRUST IN will touch their soul!! Some may respond instantaneously and some may respond in weeks...nevertheless they will respond....Love conquers all!!!!


Peace and Love,