Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Thoughts for Today

We can choose to see the good in others, or we can choose to see the faults in others. If we choose the former this will impact our lives in such a positive way as we will also see the good in ourselves. 'Treat others as you would want them to be, and not as they are.'

Or we could choose the latter; of seeing the faults in others and dwelling on them, but we too will become those 'faults, 'so why take on all that negative energy on ourselves? 'NO WAY, YOU WILL REAP WHAT YOU SOW.'

On the other hand, sometimes I hear from those of you who are doing everything but not receiving any results. If that sounds like you, here I am offering some gentle suggestions:

1. Stop trying. This isn’t about trying, doing, wishing or hoping. It’s about BEING, TRUSTING, BELIEVING. Sometimes it is difficult to BE when you are caught up in wanting.

2. Take some time off. Give yourself a break. Decide that for the next week, or month, or three months you are going to take your attention off of what it may be that is bothering you completely, and focus on having as much fun as possible. I recently decided to take off the entire summer from worrying. I even wrote a vow for myself:

This summer I will take time everyday to really enjoy the season. I will consciously take more time to appreciate the sun, the beautiful trees, flowers and plants which I truly love, the warm breezes, the freshest produce, the beach!!! Everything and remember to wear your sunscreen, please!!!! Most importantly, I am giving up WORRYING. My heart is open, loving, carefree and I am SMILING AND LAUGHING, A LOT :-)

3. Stop judging yourself, stop being hard on yourself, and the process and give yourself the love and attention you truly deserve.

4. Surrender to Divine Timing.

5. Spend some time meditating, in silence, or observing nature or ideally all three. Think about this-like sitting by the beach and listening to the waves splashing on the shore or whatever pleases you.

6. Create a summer project. Choose one person in your life that could benefit from your attention and shower them with all your love, appreciation and gratitude. LOVE THEM!!!!

Remember to breathe and nourish your soul this summer. Often the key to manifesting all that you desire is to completely surrender and trust in God and know that all is already yours. THIS IS VERY TRUE!!

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